Student Pick-Up

We are trying a new system at the end of the day for student pick-up to hopefully ease the traffic flow.  If you are parking and walking up to the school to pick up your child, please cross on the south side of the parking lot and wait on that end of the sidewalk for your child to exit the building.  An adult will be there to help locate your child.

Kindergarten and 1st grade students will exit the front of the building in 4 groups organized by last name and color (A-F: green; G-L: orange; M-R: teal; S-Z: purple).  Please pull up to the first cone in the circle, an adult will help locate your child and get them safely to your car.

If you regularly pick up your child from school, please look for a colored paper in your child's Friday Folder to put on your dash so the adults can quickly assist you.

Thank you for your cooperation and patience!