Seniors: Alma School Athletic Hall of Fame Scholarship applications are due no later than March 16th. One male and one female senior student athlete will be awarded a one time $1,500 scholarship. Applications can be picked up from Mr. Humm or Mr. Huff.

Students: Interested in receiving a $1500 or $500 scholarship to the college of your choice? Candidates are now being sought for the 2023 Alma Queen of Scots Pageant. This competition is open to young women aged 17 to 20 years old who live or attend school in Gratiot County or are related to a past or present Festival board member, and who will be available to reign from April 2023 to April 2024. Application packets will be available on the Alma Highland Festival website at http://www.almahighlandfestiva... and on the Alma Highland Festival Facebook page. The Queen of Scots Pageant is not sponsored by Alma Public Schools. Deadline for applications to be received is March 24th! Don’t delay! Thank you for your interest!

Attention 10th & 11th grade students: Alma College will be hosting Alma high School sophomores and juniors on March 17th for a campus visit. While on campus students will attend an admissions and financial aid presentation, speak with a faculty panel, participate in a campus tour, and eat lunch in Hamilton Commons. With a limited number of spots participation will be on a first come first serve basis. Reserve your spot in the main office and see Mrs. Guiett for more information.

Attention 9th, 10th & 11th grade students: Enrollment meetings for selecting next year's classes are as follows: Freshmen – Monday & Tuesday; March 13th & 14th Sophomores – Wednesday & Thursday; March 15th & 16th Juniors – Tuesday & Wednesday; March 21st & 22nd Meetings will take place in the IMC. Check the rosters posted outside of it to see what day & time your group is meeting. Remember to bring your Chromebook and don’t be late!

Students: Want to Visit Germany for Spring Break? Mr. Criner is taking a group of students to Germany in 2024. If you’re interested there will be a meeting in his classroom A114 on Monday 3/13 right after school. If you can't make the meeting and are still interested please see Mr. Criner.

Attention DSGA members! Our next meeting will be Monday, March thirteenth in Mr. Murphy's room. We'll be talking about Women's History Month and more. We look forward to seeing you there!

Students: Are you always hungry? Do you love carbs like you love stretchy pants? The forensics team is taking orders for baked goods to be delivered on March 20th. See Madison Lea, Rae Skirvin, Pear Nataya, or Mrs. Campbell for an order form. Orders will be accepted until March 13th.

Attention Juniors: This Saturday, March 18th Mr Fornusek will be giving a practice SAT test in his room starting at 8am. Because of materials needed, you must sign up with Mr Fornusek by the end of the day Wednesday to attend the practice.