Students: There’s a Stratford Trip meeting Thursday after school in Mr. Brasher’s room (A117) for everyone that has signed up. We’ll be going over important information at the meeting, so make every effort to be there.

Students: Prom Ticket sales will be done at 3:30pm on Thursday, April 20th. Meals are available on a first come first serve basis for those who still want to eat at the venue. You may also purchase tickets from Mr. Holliday or Fornusek before or after school up to Thursday.

Attention students attending prom: The Alma College commencement will be on Saturday, therefore the college has requested the AHS students doing prom pictures avoid the chapel and other areas on campus on Saturday.

Students: Don't delay. You only have a few more days to order a yearbook. Purchase yours for $65 at or with Mrs. Shimunek in C303.

Thursday Sports: Girls Soccer vs. Swan Valley starts at 4:30pm**** Girls Tennis vs. Nouvel starts at 4:00pm